Longest Sidewalk
The sidewalk runs parallel to U.S. 69 Business from the south end of Franklin to E. Hector in Arma. When Franklin High School closed in the late 1920s, children had to walk to school in Arma. To provide safe passage, in 1937 the WPA finished a one-and-three-quarter-mile sidewalk between the two towns. The Guinness Book of World Records recorded this sidewalk as the longest walkway connecting two towns. Instead of leading you to school, today this long sidewalk invites you to take a leisurely stroll, skip, turn cartwheels, play hopscotch, push a baby stroller, pull a wagon, ride a bike, jog, walk your dog, and kick up your heels. Much more fun than school. (NRHP) (8 Wonders of Kansas - Customs finalist)