An 8 Wonder of Kansas!

Cheyenne Bottoms Wildlife Area

Barton County, KS

Cheyenne Bottoms Wildlife Area

5 miles south of Hoisington or 6 miles north of Great Bend on U.S. 281, then 2 miles east on NE 60 to NE 20, and follow the public access roads within the wetlands. Cheyenne Bottoms, a 41,000-acre wetland basin, is one of the world’s most important migratory stops for North American shorebirds. More than 350 species have been recorded here—more than 130 species nest in the area, and nearly 70 species are permanent residents. Considered the largest marsh in the nation’s interior, Cheyenne Bottoms has been designated a Wetland of International Importance. Tens of thousands of geese, ducks, and shorebirds migrate through here during spring and fall. Interpretive signs are along the route through this very impressive area. (8 Wonders of Kansas)

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