100 Cow Hill Scenic Back Road

Butler County, KS

100 Cow Hill Scenic Back Road

You need to try this rugged route just for the name alone! From 116th in Beaumont, stairstep 7¾ miles south and west on Squier (becomes Beaumont-Latham), 1½ miles west on 190, 1 mile south on Rattlesnake, 2½ miles east on 200, ½ mile south on Wiedeman, then 2 miles east on 216 (becomes Oxen as you cross into Elk County). Along the way you’ll likely see buffalo, definitely a wind farm, and lovely Flint Hills scenery. Just past the Green Ranch sign, you’ll come to a descent so steep you could stack 100 cows on top of each other, thus the nickname (unofficial) of this road. Dry weather roads.

Enjoy the Journey

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