Historic Chautauqua Springs

Chautauqua, KS

Historic Chautauqua Springs

From Main, ¼ mile east on Chautauqua. Osage Indians first enjoyed the medicinal benefits of these spring waters, and later the area became a popular healing resort hosting people from across the country, including Theodore Roosevelt and industrial tycoons of the era. In 1882 the springs were flowing at 180 gallons per hour. Two hotels, which long ago housed guests, are gone, but the old steps leading down to the drinking springs are yet evident. Today a rusted tea kettle, in a picturesque setting against the ruins, catches a small stream of ever-flowing spring water. Oaks and sycamores shade this tranquil healing place, and you may walk around the grassy, lush area where you’ll find footbridges, picnic tables, and Initial Rock, a large boulder across the creek at the bottom of the cliff. Thanks go to the Green family for its efforts in preserving this historic area.

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