An 8 Wonder of Kansas!

Buffalo Bill Sculpture

Oakley, KS

Buffalo Bill Sculpture

U.S. 83 and 2nd. Just as Buffalo Bill Cody seemed larger than life, this Charlie Norton sculpture is a double-life-sized bronze of this famous western scout, hunter, and showman. The magnificent bronze depicts Cody on his horse Brigham pursuing a buffalo bull at top speed. Legend has it that in 1868 Cody hunted buffalo to feed the Kansas Pacific Railway construction crews. Ironically, Fort Wallace had commissioned army scout Bill Comstock to do the same thing. A contest between the two men (both nicknamed “Buffalo Bill”) was staged near today’s town of Monument to see which one could shoot the most buffalo in one day. Cody won, 69 to 46. On that spring day in 1868 the legend of Buffalo Bill Cody was born. The Cody statue is illuminated at night and can be visited anytime of the year. (8 Wonders of Kansas - Art)

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