Garden of Eden

Lucas, KS

Garden of Eden

305 E. 2nd. A sight full of character, the Garden of Eden is the epitome of grassroots art. S.P. Dinsmoor built his 11-room limestone and concrete log cabin home and Garden of Eden sculptures from 1907 to 1929 using 113 tons of cement and goodness knows how many tons of limestone! The sculptures are Dinsmoor’s interpretation of the Bible, Populist politics, and modern civilization. He built the 40-foot-tall limestone mausoleum for himself and his first wife, and he is laid to rest in a handmade, glass-topped concrete coffin. Folks in Lucas tried to run Dinsmoor out of town, but in time his work became the area’s main attraction, and still is today. March-April, daily 1-4 p.m.; May-October, daily 10 a.m.- 5 p.m.; November-February, Thursday-Sunday 1-4 p.m. Admission charge. (NRHP)

Enjoy the Journey

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