Columbus Post Office Art

Columbus, KS

Columbus Post Office Art

Moved from the post office to the community building, the bas-relief is a sand sculpture entitled "R.F.D." and produced by Waylande Gregory in 1940. He was considered one of the most innovative and prolific American art-deco ceramics sculptors of the early 20th century. Fun fact - Gregory's invention of high-fired vitreous ceramics which made giant outdoor ceramics possible led him to later work with NASA in developing the heat-resisting ceramic shield to coat space craft. Section Art was a way to keep artists employed during the depression and were paid by the federal government to decorate public buildings, like post offices. Section Art is one of the finalists in the 8 Wonders of Kansas Art category. Learn more at Check at the City of Columbus to see if someone is available to open the building for you. Monday-Friday 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

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