Jukebox's Barbershop

Burlington, KS

Jukebox's Barbershop

Although he does give a close shave with his special old-fashioned straight razor, you're not encountering the demon barber of Fleet Street. Instead you'll enjoy meeting Jake Johnson, better known as Jukebox Jake the Singing Barber of Neosho Street at Jukebox's Barbershop, 406 W. Neosho. Jake cuts hair for men and boys, and, upon request, will strap on his guitar and harmonica and play a tune or two. A wall-sized mural pays tribute to Jake's longtime predecessor Honest John Deitrich, a beloved local barber who operated at this spot from 1960 to 2014. Tuesday-Friday 9 a.m.-6 p.m.; Saturday 9 a.m.3 p.m. 620-490-1798. FB.

Enjoy the Journey

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